Monday, April 9, 2012

The world of Macro

The world of Macro:  In the world of Macro photography Depth of Field is reduced dramatically.  I once tried photographing a moving snail with a macro lens, and was very frustrated. Using a 100mm macro lens the depth of field was so minimal that the snail was constantly moving out of focus. If you look at a Depth of Field Chart it will show you that using a 100mm lens at a focus distance of 4 feet at an aperture of  f 3.4 your depth of field will only be .06 ft, and if you get closer to your subject it gets dramatically less.  If you use the same equipment and reduce your focus distance to two feet, then your depth of field reduces to .01 ft

Tips for good Macro images:
Use a tripod
Focus manually
Use Mirror lock up
Use a shutter release
Stop breathing......just for a minute
Serious Marco shooters use a focusing rail to move the camera in & out to obtain focus, it is easier.
Sample of Focusing rail shown below.
Ring lights are best for shooting macro, because most flashes are ineffective at such close distances.

For samples of a Depth of Field Chart, go to:

In Brigitte's lizard image shown below, look how narrow the Depth of Field is!  The eye and claw are in focus and the nostril if out of focus.  This was shot with a 100mm Macro lens 200 ISO  F 3.5 at 1/800 sec
I do not know for sure how close see really was from the lizard, but knowing Brigitte she probably kissed it when she was done.

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