Wednesday, May 30, 2012

SLO approach

SLO approach:  More great news!  The image below is going to be used as the cover photo on the City of San Luis Obispo's fall tourism brochure.   This picture was taken on May 19th while covering an event called Mud Mash X.  I stationed myself at the backside of a mud hole knowing that it would yield a lot of fun photos. I was not disappointed, but I was covered in mud by the end of the event.  Photographing mud runs are almost as much fun as participating in them.  I did notice one strange thing though; women love to get muddy!

All of the images from the mud mash can be seen at:

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day message

To all that have served in the Armed Forces. To all that have supported those who served.
We thank you!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Runners World

Runners World:  Great news! we were just told that Runners World magazine will be showcasing the Santa Rosa marathon in their August 2012 edition. Since we are the event photographers they requested to use some of our photos from last year's event.

The images below will be published in that magazine.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Dragon

The Dragon: it's not often that I advertise for any software. However, I just purchased Dragon software which is a speech recognition software, and I love it. In today's business world we have so many things that draw from our time, and being a slow typist has been a major drain on my time.  With the Dragon software I can write this blog, dictate e-mails, write letters, and even keyword images in light room much quicker and more accurately.  Anything that can save time so I can go out and photograph the things that I love is a blessing. I strongly recommend it for anyone who is a slow typist or has problems with accuracy. I'm the kind of person who is so good at typing that I only need one finger, LOL.

Dragon software also has free apps for smartphones that allow you to search the web, and dictate messages that can be e-mailed, texted, tweeted...... all hands-free. It's awesome!


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What a weekend!!!

What a weekend!!!  This Friday, Saturday, & Sunday we will be covering 4 events, photographing 4600 people, and driving a combined 15 hours.  We have a total of 9 photographers and 4 helpers.
This is out single biggest weekend of the year!  Whoa!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Thankful Moment!

A Thankful Moment!  This evening we attended the Reception for the Haggin Museum's Fine Feathered Friends show featuring many of Brigitte's Photographs.  We are very blessed for all of the opportunities that we have enjoyed over the years, but this show was very special.  To date the Haggin had never enlarged any images for a temporary show beyond  16" X 20",  but for this show they requested much larger images of Brigitte's.  The centerpiece for the show was shown at 48"x 72", and another was shown at 18"x 54".

A special Thanks to Tod Ruhstaller of the Haggin Museum.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

One of my favorite sites

One of my favorite sites:

For years I have been following Darren Rouse's Digital Photography school.

I like this site because it has interesting and useful tips that are easy to understand.
They have a member forum, photo sharing, and fun videos

Their information is always timely & fresh, and best of all it's free!

Check it out!

Here's a cute photo taken by Brigitte up near Kirkwood ski resort.  This littte chipmunk was very friendly, and even climbed up into Brigitte's lap for a nut.    The photo is of the Chipmunk on top of a rock shot with a canon  500mm  f4 lens on a tripod.  Natural lighting, 200 ISO, F4 at 1/1250 sec


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Tour De Cure Roseville

Tour De Cure Roseville:  Brigitte and I stay very busy this time of year photographing sporting events.  Yesterday we covered the 2012 Tour De Cure in Roseville which is a fundraiser to fight Diabetes.  Covering these event is a lot more work than you might realize.  We're up at 4am, and on site at 6am.  We take thousands of photos in all types of lighting, and weather conditions.  We finished up at 5pm, sun burnt and wind blown. All of the photos are available at:

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Practicing what I preach

Practicing what I preach:

Last Saturday I taught a class on Lighting and Flash photography.  In the class I showed samples of how the camera's metering was effected by light and dark colors within the scene.  On Sunday we did a photo shoot that was very challenging:  It was heavily backlit , and many people we wearing all white

If there are a lot of highlights in the scene the image becomes under exposed

If there are a lot of darks in the scene it most likely becomes overexposed.
To keep my camera from reacting or over reacting to every different scene, we took an incident light reading for the ambient light, and factored the percentage of flash contribution at 50% flash to ambient contribution.
This makes for a perfect exposure every shot.