Monday, March 12, 2012

Respecting Nature

Respecting Nature:  The image shown below was taken by Brigitte in Rocky Mountain National Park, Co. Brigitte knew where the den was, and set up nearby well before sunrise.  Brigitte sat behind a blind for 4 to 5 hours inching ever closer to the Coyote Family.  She was able to move in to a distance of about 50 feet, but would not move any closer as she did not want to distress the Coyotes.  Because Brigitte respected the natural comfort zone of the Coyotes the Mother made no attempt to protect the pups, or show any aggression towards Brigitte.  Instead the Coyotes played, napped, and explored waiting for Dad to return with breakfast.
Sadly as midday approached a tourist barged right past Brigitte towards the den, in an attempt to get a photo with his cell phone. His mindless action caused the coyotes to flee into the distant bush.
Respecting nature and wildlife is critical.  Senseless acts distress the wildlife, cause damage to their habitat, put the animals at risk, and just ruin it for everyone.

Have you had any similar situations you would like to share?

1 comment:

  1. We saw some crazy stuff like that in Yellowstone. It was like people didn't realize they weren't at the zoo. They put both themselves and the animals at risk by pushing in to close. Too bad more people don't practice the golden rule towards wildlife.
